TBLN is a text format that represents the table.


TBLN can contain multiple columns like CSV. Also, it can include checksum and signature inside. Allows conversion between TBLN and database tables.


Tools supporting TBLN



| column1 | column2 | column3 |
| -> || , || -> |||


; ItemName: Value

Predefined item name in extras.

Item name data type detail
TableName text table name
name column name text
type column type text
Hash text (base64 byte) data and extras checksum hash
Signature text (base64 byte) signature for hash
created_at datetime(RFC3339) date and time of creation


TableName is used as a table name when importing into the database.


The name is the column name. Same as data, it is written in the form of | name1 | name2 | … |.


type is the data type of the column. It is expressed in the form of | int | text | … |.

List of data types.

TBLN types can be used generically.

More detailed information is expressed by adding it to extra separately.

For example, if you export from the database, it represents a separate type of database(such as; postgres_type: | integer | text |).


Hash is a Hash value of SHA256 or SHA512. The hash value of Extras below the data and Hash items. Comments and items above the Extras hash are outside the Hash calculation. Therefore, the hash value does not change even if you change it.


Signature is a signature of ED25519 format for Hash value.

Database specific information

Include the table information of the original database in TBLN.

Information included when exporting from a database. The interpretation differs depending on the database.

Item name data type
character_octet_length int
is_nullable text(bool) YES or NO
numeric_precision int
numeric_precision_radix int
numeric_scale int
(database)_type text
primarykey text(column name)

The order of TBLN

The order of TBLN is as follows.

  2. (extras) hash not target
  3. (extras) signature
  4. (extras) hash value
  5. (extras) hash target
  6. data

The target of hash is the line below Hash. The signature targets the Hash value.

Hash currently supports SHA256 and SHA512. Signature currently supports ED25519.


# Comments

TBLN file example

Data only example.

| 1 | Bob |
| 2 | Alice |

Example of adding comments, column names, and data types.

# comment
; name: | id | name |
; type: | int | text |
| 1 | Bob |
| 2 | Alice |

Example of exporting from a database and adding a signature.

; TableName: simple
; character_octet_length: |  | 1073741824 |
; created_at: 2019-03-12T15:41:42+09:00
; is_nullable: | YES | YES |
; numeric_precision: | 32 |  |
; numeric_precision_radix: | 2 |  |
; numeric_scale: | 0 |  |
; postgres_type: | integer | text |
; Signature: | test | ED25519 | dfe0077a4baa689dec15365642de8d736b30b678fc4b6725acf25cd760528ed365dc18855a11fc4473ca0a2d36499819de95caba3ac44937ac7c04465e7af901 |
; Hash: | sha256 | 3191722649a6388498c435e411cb6534b740d9b3a5c7ac281dd824b4ba78e968 |
; name: | id | name |
; type: | int | text |
| 1 | Bob |
| 2 | Alice |